Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Cheap Sex" Get it While Your Heart is Broken!

This blog is to ENCOURAGE ALL walks of life who have been persuaded to believe they are anything less than "AWESOME"!

"Cheap Sex"...Go ahead and laugh at it a little... just the thought of it as if there's such thing as "Expensive Sex". I use the term to describe a care free, let's have some fun, and with no regrets in the morning type of sex! It is certainly less expensive than seeing a therapist, right? ....STAY TUNED!


I woke up one day with the term "Cheap" on the brain. It was like a hammer pounding away at my thoughts. After some time passed it was revealed to me that "Cheap Sex" was me waking up the morning after a long night of amazing, EXPLOSIVE, and emotions rolling on high from physical fulfillment type of sex that would only fade away. Yes, fade just as the light fades into darkness at the break of dusk. Well it was always just that-physical fulfillment riding that 3 minute emotional Roller Coaster!! It was almost like buying The Dollar Tree air freshener, because it's super cheap, kind of serves it's purpose, yet only lasts for so long. For whatever the reasons are the regrets of those amazing nights never took an immediate seat on a 'conscious level', yet they sat within my subconscious and hardly realizing that the temporary satisfaction was only eating away at my Heart and Mind...SLOWLY costing me my life! A life too expensive to waste....But what next? O_o NoOOoOo! Here they come to revisit from yesterday... the same ole' troubles of this world such as: A Haunting past, Bills, Acceptance, Family feuds, School, Work, and Accountable companionship. The more the thoughts toggled at my mind-the more I pushed them back into a deepBLACK HOLE I call "My Heart". My heart was dark and corrupt and I needed constant fulfillment. I yearned for any kind of validation, acceptance, and most importantly LOVE! Once the short lived high went flat like an hour old Pepsi sitting out on the counter, I needed another temporary fix and after that fix...ANOTHER and ANOTHER. After a while I began to feel Cheap, therefore at times that fulfillment would consist of more sex, and sometimes a drug of some kind or a drink. No matter my fix it was short lived and the pain would NEVER seem to subside, until one day I went to church and heard a message from the pulpit that changed my life. I surrendered and accepted God's LOVE for me. The Revelation of God's Love and Compassionthat was displayed by him sending His Son to die on the Cross for me was the type of Love I...plainly put...that I could not put in between my legs. After time passed I learned that the Bible had an explanation and a solution for every area of my life, I began to find out what the Bible had to say about "Cheap Sex" and it's NEVER fulfilling lust. Well I'll be...the Bible addresses it leaving no stone unturned.

The Word of God describes "Cheap Sex" as such...Galatians 5:19 (MSG)

It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: repetitive, loveless<----"cheap sex"---->a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic-show religion; paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small-minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community".


So eloquently quoted in the above scripture, "...frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods..." THINGS and PEOPLE we often times run to in order to mend our broken heart?" See it can be those attacks of Molestation, Rape, Incest, Physical Abuse, Neglect, Abandonment, Parents Incompatibility, Infidelity, Violated Trust, Financial Scares, and/or Rejection that can all infect a SOUL. At the end of the day Humans seek the basics: Love, Security, Respect, and Acceptance. When any of those 4 areas are attacked often times one will seek a substitute to bridge the gap or fill in the void. Now, because these life altering events penetrate the soul like a contaminated needle intravenously infecting the blood of our Soul (which is the heart and mind) it causes us to go VIRAL like Zombies. Managing to function in living bodies, yet DEAD in the Spirit to God's Love displayed in sending us a Savior, a Redeemer, and a Healer...A.K.A, Jesus Christ. When the virus hits the soul it begins attacking and eating away at first the person's thinking, which contaminates the person's behavior ultimately destroying the person's character. The Virus seeks to kill off everything in it's path including: Relationships with families, friends, and other innocent victims. This infection injected by hurt infects others and causes others to infect others. It's like that movie 28 Days Later-This thing goes VIRAL in 5...4...3...2...1 and it is non-stop.

So what happened here? So whatever picture perfect image of acceptance and love has been perverted and the pain thereof has been injected into the veins of the heart as a virus, we unknowingly and knowingly sit in a place of utter darkness and unshakable sadness, because one has been led to believe they are no good and not loved, and only to be distracted by a telephone call. This dude, Satan, blowing the phone up salivating with his anxious eyes to sell you his even more poisonous FAKE antidote for a troubled heart. His pitch is pretty catchy. It goes kinda like this, "Both them dudes got you pregnant and lied about rocking your left finger up, so go and become a lesbian...she'll be sensitive"..."You were molested and that is why you now feel so worthless, but look you are sexy girl go sell your body it's so pretty and people will pay you what your worth"!..."Hey man, your dad left you go find a Father's love in another man, you'll get that TRUE male intimacy from your new lover-I got cha'"! Some of many things Satan will invade the mind with to get us to compromise God's RELENTLESS LOVEfor us!! The bottom-line meaning of "Cheap Sex" it's a diminishing fulfillment that we compromise our souls for for a quick fix, and that's all Satan SELLS are quick fixes and diminishing fulfillment...never to be completely satisfied, and always to leave matters worse than ever before. See the devil is a thief, but Jesus has come to reverse Satan's plot. John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (JESUS) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.


As a former Cheerleader for "Cheap Sex" I was a product of all types of Childhood hurt to even Adulthood hurt that lead me into homosexuality, adult entertainment, andfornication. Heck, we've all hurt somewhere, somehow, and by someone. Everyday and every event led everyone to this day, however; there is vaccine for this virus of "Cheap Sex"-found in THE BLOOD ofJesus! Now I walk this walk with Christ by embracing his LOVE for me, and that was by him dying on the cross for my sins found in (1 Corinthians 15:3). Then when I accepted Christ's offer to take my sins (a.k.a. bondage to unfulfilled desires, imprisonment to "Cheap Sex", and compromising decisions) in exchange for his forgiveness. God's GRACE displayed through Christ did away with the Old Life, and a NEW LIFE was granted immediately-NO WAITING LIST!! (2 Corinthians 5:17). HOWEVER COMMA BUT when Christ is doing a work in a person there are THREE IMPORTANT MUSTS!

1.) ONE MUST EMBRACE HIS RELENTLESS LOVEGod is so compassionate to TOTALLY FREE all who believes in His Only Son from the realms of "BONDAGE". When Jesus Christ died on that Cross. His Blood and LOVE is where the World's FREEDOM from sin was Established! There must be an "OK" factor of I can NEVER love God the way GOD LOVES ME! Let Go-Receive and Embrace!

2.) ONE MUST CONSTANTLY FLOW IN AN INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP WITH THIS JESUS GUY who got beat down to hamburger meat for our "ISSUES"-I mean who does this? Would you? This flow of intimacy is maintained by the same communication we have with our significant others, friends, and family...simply Communicate "TALK" by calling God via prayerand by reading his posts written in the Word of God-IT'S THE ORIGINAL FACEBOOK...let's put our Facein his Book!

3.) ONE MUST OBEY GOD NO MATTER WHAT, because he refuses to obey us. I encourage you to REALLY be cool with the fact that His HEAVENLY WILL for us Trumps any thoughts or lifestyles we could conjure up for our own plans. Obedience is Trusting that God will come through in every area of our life. Trust starts with Faith and that is simply believing God is not a liar.

I don't believe for a second that I am the only who has experienced this dark place or the viral effects of hurt. In truth, I believe God is speaking his GRACE to every reader right now.God loves you and desperately wants youto live out his will on Earth as it is in Heaven. He wants you to live FREE from bondage and in PEACE (nothing missing, nothing broken, and nothing lacking). Why? Because you are something AMAZING! He proved the seriousness of his love to the point where he showed you were to "Die For"-Jesus! Come on you gotta be covered inAWESOME SAUCE if someone shows you are to "Die For"!


If you come to him he WILL NOT JUDGE you for taking a stand against the Devil's plans to seek you out and destroy you. Satan begins with your soul (the mind and heart) Thus, causing you to separate from the real YOU-Your God given Spirit. Check it out, God is NOT angry with you. In fact he is RELENTLESSLY IN LOVE WITH YOU! Relentless meaning "Never Ceasing"!! No matter what your situation is Homosexuality, Fornication, or Adultery Jesus is a Redeemer, a Restorer, and a Healer!

You are worth more than the Fake Love found in "Cheap Sex"... God displayed the deepest form of Love when He sent Jesus to die for you!

John 3:16-17 (NLT)

"For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.

In order to receive God's Relentless Love For You expressed through this blog I encourage you if you haven't already... to accept Christ RIGHT NOW, or maybe you have and just desire a closer walk with him as your HERO, BFF, & GPS. Let's go after that thing right here and RIGHT NOWon this blog...THE NEXT 5 MINUTES ARE NOT PROMISED!!!

Say this out loud (not that loud)..."Jesus, I want you to come into my life, and I give my sins to you in exchange for your forgiveness. Thank you for dying a brutal death for my sins so I can be fully accepted and freed by you. Only you can give me the power to change and become the person God created me to be. I give my life to you. So please allow your Holy Spirit to have it's way with me-Amen".



So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. [2] And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death. [5] Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. [9] But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not belong to him at all.)

Keep your eyes peeled for MORE Blogs Coming to a Computer Near YOU!

With GOD'S Relentless Love God Bless You,

Angela Provo Rutledge

Compassion Without Compromise

Please comment and share if you were impacted by this BLOG!


  1. God loves you too Cindy & so do I. Thank you for reading & supporting this blog.

    I am very grateful that in just a few hours it's reached 100 page views. I'm not trying to win a popularity contest. Just allowing God to use me & technology to help people trapped in sexual perversion.

    God bless you ALL!!
